The main responsibilities of the Blood Bank Quality Manager include process validation, change control, documentation management, equipment qualification, audit management, and process improvement. We are introducing a whole new way to do all of the above processes. Blood QC Manager does all of this work in a single place. It comes with an agile platform to automate any process. It provides data collection, its analysis and reporting all within a single application.
Along with providing real-time reporting and action alerts, Blood QC Manager integrates easily with other devices and software to quickly streamline the entire QC process. It makes sure that all of its work meets all the regulations and standards for product QC. It reduces the QC effort by up to 70% and reduces QC form processing by up to 20 hours per week. It helps in audit management by tracking the QC cycle with an audit trail. It also responds to audit requests instantly. It comes with robust and extensive record keeping that avoids loss of data and difficulties associated with the retrieval of data.
As varied as Blood Bank processes and quality control standards can be, Blood QC Manager is scalable and adaptable to suit any budgets. It supports multi-user blood centres through a centralized management system. With Blood QC Manager, you can create customize QC processes and forms with various validations thus providing paperless work for easy management. Blood QC Manager introduces automated calculations thus reducing your effort by a great level.
With Blood QC Manager, maintaining Blood Bank operations has never been more dynamic and adaptable.