Dengue Kills 14 Persons In Bohol

A dengue fever outbreak in the Bohol province has claimed 14 lives, with over 6,000 cases reported since the start of the year, health officials said Friday.

The Provincial Health Office (PHO) confirmed the rising toll, with 24 towns in the province reaching outbreak levels.

PHO chief Tomas Cezar Lopez did not disclose the specific towns affected, but warned that the situation was becoming increasingly dire.

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The Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Medical Center (GCGMMC) has been inundated with dengue patients, with at least eight new cases reported on Friday alone.

The victims, who hail from various locations across the province, exhibited classic symptoms of the disease, including fever, headache, and joint pain.

According to data from the Department of Health (DOH), Bohol has the highest number of dengue cases among provinces in Central Visayas, with over 6,000 cases reported as of September 2024.

Cebu province has reported over 3,000 cases, while Negros Oriental and Siquijor have recorded over 2,000 and 500 cases, respectively.

Health experts fear that the number of cases in Bohol will continue to rise, and are urging residents to take immediate action to prevent the spread of the disease.

"The best way to avoid premature deaths is through early detection and treatment," said Lopez, who stressed the importance of cleaning surroundings to eliminate mosquito breeding sites.

The dengue virus, which is spread by the Aedes mosquito, has no accepted vaccine, making prevention and early treatment crucial in combating the disease.

Lopez urged Boholanos to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their families, including wearing protective clothing, using insect repellents, and eliminating standing water around homes.

PHO has also launched a campaign to raise awareness about the disease and promote preventive measures, including the distribution of information materials and the conduct of community outreach programs.

As the dengue outbreak in Bohol continues to worsen, health officials are bracing for a long and challenging battle against the dengue outbreak.

With the number of cases expected to rise in the coming days, PHO is urging residents to remain vigilant and take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.

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