Toyota Hilux Crashes in Catigbian After Driver Falls Asleep

Toyota Hilux Crashes in Catigbian After Driver Falls Asleep

A Toyota Hilux vehicle crashed on the national highway in Barangay Poblacion, Catigbian, leaving no one injured.

According to a police report, the 56-year-old male driver from Sagbayan town fell asleep at the wheel, causing the accident at around 3 p.m.

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The driver, whose name was not disclosed, was traveling with his wife when the incident occurred.

The couple was on their way home to Sagbayan from Catigbian, police said.

An investigation by the Catigbian police, as reported by DYTR NEWS, found that the driver dozed off, resulting in the crash.

Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident, and the passengers were reported to be safe.

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