Start-up Turns Raising Funds on its Head

Nov 12, 2018 – The US Consumer Health Advocacy Group (USCHAG) opened its seed round of funding at the end of October, to close at the end of November. Looking for only $1.2M, this start-up made the conscientious choice to find the right investors, versus taking money offered from any source. The company, with zero debt and a burn rate of just $2,000 a month has been an attractive draw for investors, with many being told, “It’s just not a good fit.”

“As someone who has raised capital before, this was a new philosophy for me,” says Heather Logrippo, the head of Investor Relations. “it was the first time I had to tell someone that we wouldn’t accept their money.”

Nate Owens, the CEO explains, “For us, having the right partners from an investment standpoint is crucial. We want people who don’t just want to make money. We want to share this company with people looking to leave a legacy. People who believe in our mission, who understand why the Healthcare System needs an overhaul, these are the people that we want as investors – it’s about so much more than money.”

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USCHAG is disrupting the healthcare space by putting control of the American healthcare industry back in the hands of the consumer by using cutting-edge, deep learning AI coupled with a caring and focused human element. Created by a team passionate about changing healthcare with massive prior business successes, USCHAG will put the power of healthcare back in the hands of the people who pay for it, in a way that no one has ever imagined – until now.

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