DTB Carbyne Apps has launched!

Yes! Finally, we have launched our company DTB Carbyne Apps into the wild. Go and tell a friend, to tell a friend, recursively, in an infinite do-while loop 🙂

What a journey so far..

From as long as I can recall, creating a business in my field was a necessity for me. I felt as though I had something to add to the world with my creativity and passion. Although the high street is crowded, there’s always a place for a quality cake shop. That’s my view on our services – they are quality (and for now, I’ll spare you the countless parallels with cake). We’re not unique in substance – but nor is a diamond. However, when you receive your "diamond" from us – make sure you’re sitting down ;).

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Let me run you through who we are and what we do:

We are a digital product and services house. We are here for your needs (in design and tech, that is!). We are user-centric. We want to give back to the world and share knowledge, education and our assets.

That’s enough about us for now. Let us know a bit about you at [email protected].

Stay tuned for announcements on our blog by signing up to our member’s area. Ladies and gents, we have lift-off!

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