Get the most out of OneNote with templates from the largest collection available.

We’ve created the biggest collection of OneNote templates and solutions to help people to get the most out of MS OneNote, the CEO of, Guenther Draschkowitz said.

OneNote is probably one of the best applications in the MS Office stable …but also one of the most underused. People don’t quite yet understand what you actually can do with it, or know how powerful and useful it can be. That’s were our templates come in. A huge range of ready-made pages and sections give you a head start saving loads of time, effort and energy. Each can be used as is – or easily customized, tweaked and adjusted to fit individuals needs and preferences.

Most of the templates in the collection are free for private use (there are currently 12) and if used for work, there are pro versions which also include many extras. The current collection includes productivity templates like KanBan Taskboard and Get Things Done. Other templates in the range help organize finances, fitness, collecting favorite recipes, doing entries into a diary or vacation organizing, etc.

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There is also an entire suite available to help manage your digital and physical footprint – myLife @ a glance, family tree template and an estate planner. A new range for business owners includes Intranet in a box, Marketing essentials & Project management.

The collection is continuously being expanded and improved so watch this space:


Jessica Wade I [email protected] I [email protected]

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